Mobility Vehicles
Shop Controller has more than 25 yrs servicing repair shops in the mobility industry. Shop Controller’s ease-of-use and fully integrated offering keeps clients compliant with NMEDA requirements & documentation.
Invoice Paid
+1 in queue
Streamlined Workflows
Manage customer & technician scheduling seamlessly with job and bay assignments.
Point of Sale (POS) & Invoicing
Generate invoices and quickly process payments. Keep historical records on cars and customers.
Order parts & manage inventory
Manage parts inventory, including tracking stock levels, ordering new parts, and receiving and restocking orders.
Engage with Mobility Vehicle Customers
Customer Visibility
Keep an eye on deferred repairs
Don’t lose track of the unique repairs & requirements that customers tend to push off until later
Get paid faster with integrated payments
Allow customers to review estimates and pay invoices from any device

integrated with NMEDA & Carfax
Specialized service requirements made easy
Mobility vehicles have unique modifications and specialized maintenance, which ShopController handles with ease
Job management and service packages
Ensure repair work and service packages comply with NMEDA/QAP guidelines
See all service history from CARFAX
Have confidence that parts are available when they are needed most.