Power Up Your Business
With Payment Processing

Get the ultimate boost by with all-in-one point of sale & payment processing tools

Get Paid Faster
with less hassle

Connect payments directly into POS

Save time by having payments automatically attached to repair orders.

Advanced payment options

Accept chip cards, Apple, and Google pay in your shop or take payments ahead of time with remote pay options.

Integrate with Quickbooks

Save time by instantly reconciling payments into Quickbooks.

Upgraded payment & POS terminals

Cut the cord

A brand new BBPOS WisePOS terminal makes it easy to take the latest payment options, no strings attached.

Easy, integrated POS features

Use Shop Controller to create jobs, generate repair orders, and invoice customers in just a few clicks.

Simple & secure

Fraud protection ensures payments are protected with the latest encryption methods.

Ready To Supercharge
Your Autoshop?

Schedule a Demo today