Real Insights
to Optimize Profitability
Say goodbye to clunky spreadsheets and wasted hours sifting through useless reports. Get meaningful insights to optimize profitability for your auto repair shop.

Inventory & Expenses
Track inventory levels and set reorder notifications to limit costly expenditures
Pay & Receive
Keep track of outstanding customer invoices and quickly resend statements
Fleet Reporting
Manage bulk invoicing, custom payment dates, and aging reports
Unique Invoices
Easily create invoices for different types of customers, info, & jobs
Export to anything
Easily share reports by sending to Excel, PDF, Word, and more with just a click
Share Direct
Save time by sending reports and other documents, such as invoices, from within the platform

Pre-built Sales
& Profitability Reports
Sales, order, & payment summaries
Quickly get a pulse check on how money is moving in and out of the business.
Maximize profitability
Keep track of sales profitability by technician, job, and invoice